Wednesday 16 October 2013



Cleanse thou me from secret faults Ps.19:3

When no man can see you…WHAT DO YOU DO?

Our relationship with God cannot be excused from our secret actions. Our approval is not of man but of God and the eyes of God that gives approval can see both in-secret and out-secret.

You can be excellent in outward actions but very unpleasant in our inward actions. Let your in-secret join your out-secret to works your divine approval. You could be a Christian, known by everyone and the entire world with your faith and religion but yet still not get God’s approval because of your IN-SECRET The IN-SECRET of man is capable of destroying his life and destiny.

Man is not empowered to see the in- secret but only see the out-secret but to your amazed ment, God’s judgment will come in a balance of both. Therefore Men’s approval is not God’s approval.

Be watchful and careful to ensure that your IN-SECRET and OUT-SECRET life is worthy of God’s Approval.

God bless you.

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